Although the perinuclear space is continuous with the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, the fact that some receptors for calcium signaling molecules locate on the nuclear membranes shows that there does exist an independent calcium signaling mechanism in the cell nucleus. 尽管核周隙与内质网的腔相通,核膜上存在钙信号分子的受体等事实表明,细胞核存在一套相对独立的钙信号机制。
It was found that Synchronous Radiation ( SR) led to ultrastructure changes, including plasmolysis, breakage of cell and nuclear membranes, variation of chloroplast and chondriosome's structure, reduction of the number of endoplasm and variations of other ultrastructure. 结果表明:同步辐射引起了细胞亚显微结构的变化,出现了细胞质壁分离,细胞膜、核膜受损破裂,内含物外流,叶绿体、线粒体形态结构变异,内质网数目减少。
The morphological changes were as follows: the cell structure was destroyed, the cell support system and cell organelles were destroyed, the cell membrane and nuclear membranes were destroyed, and the cell plasma and nuclear sap overflowed. 电镜显示结构破坏明显,细胞支架系统、细胞器均受到破坏,细胞膜、核膜破坏乃至溶解,核浆、细胞浆外溢。
In two to three hours after pollination, two sperm nuclei are nestled on the nuclear membranes of the egg nucleus and a polar nucleus respectively and synchronously. 3授粉后2~3h,精核分别贴附于卵细胞与极核核膜上;
A systematic study has been performed of the methods for determination of liquid viscosity with nuclear track membranes. 本工作对用核孔膜测定各种液体粘度(粘滞系数)的方法进行了较系统的研究。
Various methods for determination of liquid viscosity with nuclear track membranes 核孔膜测定液体粘滞系数的各种方法
Unconventional etch methods for nuclear track membranes 核孔膜的非常规蚀刻法
The computer simulation showed that the nuclear track membranes could prepared with cylinder pore by this method but it was difficult to control the etching process. 模拟计算表明,采用该方法可得到柱状孔核孔膜,但蚀刻过程很难控制。
Applications of nuclear track membranes in clinical practice 核微孔德膜在临床治疗中的应用
Basic rules for various liquids passing through nuclear track membranes 各种状态的液体通过核孔膜的规律
The positive staining mainly appeared on nuclear membranes. Positive reaction of whole nucleus occurred in 21 cases ( 44.68%). 阳性主要显示于核膜,全核均有反应者21例(44.68%)。
Under certain etching conditions, the expected PP nuclear track membranes were made by etching the irradiated PP membrane, affirming the mathematical relation. 并选择一定的蚀刻条件对辐照过的聚丙烯膜进行蚀刻,得到了预期孔径的聚丙烯核孔膜。